Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A night at the races

6.3.10 - Mary, Nathan and I- in the spirit of being spontaneous- decided to check out Canterbury Park one evening. After a 45 minute drive, we got there around 8:30pm, which was just in time for free admission/parking, sporadic horse races, $1 hot dogs/nachos/Pepsi and a $2 cup of beer. Hot dogs were decent, nachos were really gross and I don't drink beer, but the entire evening was a bargain.

It was my first time at a horse track and it was an informative experience. We didn't go into any of the other areas for gambling such as poker rooms, but I saw that it's a pretty big place with lots of opportunities to bet against the house and lose. That being said, I really do enjoy a few rounds of Blackjack.

The spectator area is kind of empty because it is a Thursday evening. I hear it gets packed on the weekends.


Nathan loves hot dogs.

Mutuels: Bets are pooled, taxes and house take removed. Payoff odds/share calculated from pool of winning bets.

Before the start of every race, this guy comes up from the depths of the winner's circle and announces the call to race.
A horse that didn't win.

A jockey with his horse and team who are spraying the horse with water and probably cooling it down.

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